Match IQ

Matching & Consolidation

Match IQ®

Data matching, deduplication, householding, and data consolidation.

Looking for Match/Consolidate®?

You’re in the right place. As of March 2022, Firstlogic Match/Consolidate has been renamed to Firstlogic Match IQ.

Match IQ at a glance
Combine various sources of information both internal and external in order to detect duplicate data records.

Data matching within & between data sources

Corporate & consumer householding

Built-in transforms
Create multiple match definitions, with each definition able to hold multiple criteria. Our match definitions are configurable with options including:

Logical AND/OR expressions

Confidence scores with custom weights

Deterministic and probabilistic matching transforms

Consolidation & Deduping
Use data from matched groups to form a single best record or to merge all duplicate records across your datasources.

Resolve duplicates within or across data sources

Custom merge behavior & output file support

Custom output files & reporting
Break down the matching process into summary reports and statistics files that provide the high level information.

What is Match IQ?

Firstlogic Match IQ is our self-managed server software product that provides an enterprise-class solution for matching and consolidating data within & between one or more datasources. Match IQ is configurable, allowing you to configure and execute job files using our user interface or via a command line call. For more customized needs, you can also build your own custom workflow by integrating directly with the SDK.

Unlimited Records

Pay by license, not by record. You won't be surprised by usage fees.

All Included

We provide you the software, directories, and know-how to install and manage the software on your own infrastructure.

Secure Processing

Your data never leaves your server - records are processed entirely offline. Easily comply with privacy best practices and regulations.

Database Access

Direct access to Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle RDBMS, ASCII, delimited, dBase3, or EBCDIC flat files.

No-code and API

Configure using our native desktop client or build custom solutions with the Match IQ developer API.

Match & Consolidate

Match duplicate records.

Duplicate records often exist in one or more source systems, so the goal of data matching is to determine whether records refer to the same entity. This involves evaluating how well the individual fields, or record attributes, match each other.

Deduplicate with match algorithms and confidence levels.

Matching algorithms can help correct data entry errors, character transposition, and other data errors to match records. You can set rules based on combinations of various elements matching at a certain threshold.

Single best record & merge/purge.

Once matches have been identified, data from these matched groups can be salvaged and posted to form a single best record, or posted to update all matching records.

What do you get with Match IQ?

Built-in Matching options.

Match IQ ships with fuzzy matching options which you can configure from our user interface, including:
  • Numeric range ( for example +/- 3mm)

  • Date range (for example, +/- 35 days)

  • Geographic (for example, closest store to a customer record, all business locations in a radial range)

There's more.

Match IQ comes with a number of extra features that allow for easy and automatic matching operations, including:
  • Exact and fuzzy matching algorithms

  • Logical AND/OR match expressions

  • Data matching within & between data sources

  • Fine tuning match confidence levels

  • Job scheduler for automatic data matching

One solution for data deduplication

Build Single Customer Views.

Combine both internal and external data into a single file to create a streamlined view of your customers. Consolidate account records to create a single, complete view of your customers. This is referred to in the industry as Single Customer Views (SOCs).

Implement householding strategies.

Use “householding” techniques to identify members of the same household or company. Members of the same household can then be merged into a single record if desired. Match IQ has householding functionality for the following strategies:
  • Consumer householding

  • Corporate householding

Configurable for any use case

Configurable match definitions and criteria.

Create multiple match definitions, and each definition can hold multiple criteria. This structure helps you create various logical AND/OR expressions, based on which the data records can be matched. Furthermore, you can assign custom weights to matching fields to ensure prioritized calculation of match scores.

Match scores and confidence levels.

Optionally output the match results in terms of scores that indicate the level of match confidence. You can set the deciding level that classifies records as a successful match or non-match.

Resolution of false positives and negatives.

Rerun match algorithms with varying threshold levels and choose the deciding value that ensures least number of false positive and negatives. Moreover, you can also flag records as duplicates or non-duplicates and correct any misclassified record.

Technical Specifications

Supported PlatformsWindows, Linux
Server deployment optionsOn-premise or on a cloud provider of your choice (AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.)
Minimum System RequirementsFor on-premise installations, a minimum of 1 physical server with 4 CPUs
For in-cloud installations, a minimum of 1 cloud instance with 4 vCPUs
SDK APIsJava, .NET, C++

Frequently asked questions about Match IQ

Do you provide an API (Application Programming Interface) for Match IQ?

Yes. We provide a developer SDK along with this product. For more customized needs, you can use this SDK to build your own custom workflow.

What is consumer householding?

Match IQ can be configured to use “householding” techniques to identify members of the same household. Members of the same household can then be merged into a single record if desired. This technique can be used to consolidate mailing databases and can prevent duplicate mail from being sent to a single household.

Ready to get started?

Request a demo or talk to our sales team to answer your questions about Match IQ