Data Quality Business Builds on Success
Peachtree Data is a Georgia-based data quality and address cleansing business built on precision, performance and productivity. These keys to the company’s success are achieved by their longtime partnership with Firstlogic software. This customer success story highlights observations offered by Richard West, Peachtree Data’s president.
Firstlogic products have been a standard part of Peachtree Data’s production workflow for decades. The company has a standard practice of processing every data file with Firstlogic’s DQ10 software. Because Firstlogic ensures compatibility in new product releases, Peachtree Data continues to run their well-established routines, even though they were created many years ago. Software upgrades don’t require Firstlogic customers to re-write their existing scripts.
Many of Peachtree Data’s clients are marketing professionals juggling multiple deadlines. Long waits for the return of enhanced data files from Peachtree would be unacceptable to clients, impacting long lists of scheduled interdependent tasks. With Firstlogic’s DQ10 software, Peachtree Data can process very large jobs in just minutes, adding resources as necessary to achieve desired throughput speeds.
Peachtree Data recognizes that business communications are constantly changing. They rely on their DQ10 software to adapt with them as they respond to new challenges, such as helping their clients improve the customer experience and achieve competitive advantages.
Methods companies use to communicate with customers and prospects have evolved since Peachtree Data opened their Duluth, Georgia data quality and address cleansing business in 1994. One thing that hasn’t altered in all that time is the software solution the company relies upon to run their operation. For the past twenty years, Peachtree Data has tapped the technology provided today by Firstlogic Solutions to meet the developing needs of their customers.
“Regardless of the customer, every data record we process today runs through Firstlogic’s DQ10 software suite,”
Richard West | President | Peachtree Data
About half the company’s customers are organizations using contact lists for their own communication projects after Peachtree Data has standardized, deduped, and enhanced their data files. The other half of their business is supporting list brokers, agencies, and other service providers that use the cleansed data for their customer’s direct mail or multi-channel marketing efforts. “Regardless of the customer, every data record we process today runs through Firstlogic’s DQ10 software suite,” says Peachtree Data President Richard West.
Multi-Threaded Performance
Firstlogic DQ10 allows Peachtree Data to handle job sizes varying from a few hundred records to 60 million. “The system uses more processor power and memory when the job needs it,” says West, “Our large jobs now run three to four times faster.”
Speedy processing is essential to meet Peachtree Data’s customer expectations for fast turnaround. Marketers need their files returned swiftly, and Peachtree Data delivers. When customers submit files online, the company processes 100,000 records in five minutes or less with Firstlogic DQ10.
“The system uses more processor power and memory when the job needs it… Our large jobs now run three to four times faster.”
Richard West | President | Peachtree Data
A Steady and Reliable Partnership
Though Peachtree Data has remained a loyal user of Firstlogic tools, they have certainly had opportunities to switch software vendors over the years. “We were thrilled to see that Firstlogic Solutions made significant functional improvements to the time-tested platform. We looked at alternatives, but nothing else really stacked up,” West explained. Peachtree Data compared the address parsing routines of various software vendors and found the algorithms in the Firstlogic products to be the best on the market.
Mr. West notes some of their job files developed with their original Firstlogic software (known as Postalsoft at the time) are still running today, with no developer intervention required. Each new software release scans existing job set-up scripts and automatically makes any necessary adjustments. Manual editing is rarely necessary.
Firstlogic Solutions Helps Prepare for the Future
Peachtree Data changes with the times as technological advancements expand the capabilities of customer communications. Today, the company is helping their customers with data enhancement features such as appending email addresses or cell phone numbers to data files, and enabling their customers to communicate electronically through email and text messages.
“We’ve been using the software for over twenty years and it just keeps working”
Richard West | President | Peachtree Data
“Just because a message isn’t printed and mailed, doesn’t mean the recipient’s physical mailing address is less important,” notes West. Accurate mailing addresses allow Peachtree Data to append relevant demographic information to customer files. This additional data controls images and photos marketers place in electronic communications, modifies the offers, adjusts language preferences, and improves campaign performance by targeting the prospects most likely to respond.
Analysts agree that data will be the most important element in determining the success of future customer communications. Bad data or incomplete information can damage relationships with present and prospective customers.
“Just because a message isn’t printed and mailed, doesn’t mean the recipient’s physical mailing address is less important,”
Richard West | President | Peachtree Data
With customer experience expected to replace price as the most important distinguishing factor among competitors, companies must make the investments necessary to ensure the data on which they base their customer messaging is accurate. Companies like Peachtree Data are using software from Firstlogic to help their customers achieve enhanced response and conversion rates by ensuring they are working with the highest quality data.
Whether Peachtree Data’s customers communicate by mail or electronically, the company will continue to rely on Firstlogic Solutions as a key partner in the company’s growth and evolution.
Trusted Data Quality Partner
Firstlogic Solutions delivers Firstlogic and SAP data quality solutions to data-driven companies. Firstlogic Data Quality (DQ) and SAP Data Services (DS) software combines file preparation, data profiling, address quality, geocoding, data enhancement and matching/consolidation.
To find out how software from Firstlogic can help your organization be more productive, accurate, and competitive, contact us to schedule a discovery call and arrange a free trial.