Definition: DPV Footnotes

USPS DPV Footnotes provide additional information and clarification regarding the delivery point validation process for addresses. To learn about the meaning of each symbol from the DPV Footnotes field, read on.

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The DPV Footnotes field is used to indicate Delivery Point Validation information about the address.

DPV Footnotes Table

The following is a table defining each DPV footnote value.


Symbol Meaning 
AAInput address matched to the ZIP+4 file.
A1Input address didn’t match to the ZIP+4 file.
BBBoth primary and secondary input address numbers matched to DPV/DSF2. Both primary and secondary input addresses were necessary to determine a valid delivery point.
CCInput address primary number matched to DPV, but input secondary number didn’t match. A secondary number isn’t required.
C1Input address primary number matched to DPV. Input secondary number didn’t match to DPV. A secondary number is required.
F1Input address matched to a military address.
G1Input address matched to a general delivery address.
IAInput address identified as an Informed Address.
M1Input address primary number was missing.
M3Input address primary number was invalid.
N1Input address primary number matched to DPV. Input secondary number was missing but is required.
NLNCOALink move address couldn’t be DPV confirmed. NCOALink directory data didn’t match DPV directory data exactly because the NCOALink directories are updated more frequently than the DPV directories.
P1Input address was missing the PO, RR, or HC Box number.
P3Input address contained an invalid PO, RR, or HC Box number.
PBInput address identified as a PBSA.
R1Input address matched to a CMRA, but the PMB designator wasn’t present (PMB or #).
RRInput address matched to a CMRA, and PMB designator was present (PMB or #).
R7Input address assigned to a phantom route of R777 or R779.
TAInput address primary number matched to DPV by dropping the trailing alpha.
U1Input address matched to a unique postcode.

More About DPV

Want to understand more about Delivery Point Validation? Check out our article on the topic.